Creepy Clown. Early 1980s
The Creepy Clown animatronic was created by Aaron Fechter as a mall kiosk greeter/info booth for an IAAPA convention in 1983 where he greeted visitors. Not much is known about the showtape he ran off of but he has about 6 movements. He is dressed in a bright colorful clown outfit and wig which were designed to showcase Creative Engineering's costuming department. He sits in a booth that slightly resembles a carousel with 4 white bars and a colorful circular top on top of a large colorful wooden platform as the figure has no legs.
The white bars and top of the booth still exist today but have been dismantled for storage. His scary appearance has resulted in his fame on the internet and he currently resides in the basement of Creative Engineering. The actual name of the clown is currently unknown. It is currently unknown what he was originally supposed to sound like as his showtape contains no audio. As of now his original head mechanism is missing and is currently stuffed. Dook LaRue's eyes have been placed inside his head. The black bird sitting on his platform was originally part of the Wizard of Oz show. As in now footage of the clown at an IAAPA convention surfaced in 2021, and a retrofitted animatronic in Mundo Magico Chile has surfaced.